Tuesday, March 2, 2010

31 is my new 21

I have always thought that some of the best times of my life were as a teenager - Fuck!! How wrong was I!!!

I also had a pretty great year when I was 21 and single, surrounded by friends and family, standing on my own two feet and supporting myself and my son without any help from a man. Granted I crashed and burned in a big way, but I was happy (well kinda miserable - but felt pretty good about myself)

I've just turned 31 - and guess what??? I'm pretty fucking happy.

X did nothing to destroy this birthday - he didnt get me a present, but not destroying it was a pretty good present.

ACDC absolutely rocked, experience of a fucking lifetime. Most of my close friends and family went to see them on their Black Ice tour, and because some of them missed out, got stuck in seats or trampled in the mega mosh I feel kind of bad sharing the fact that I got a last minute invite to go see them on Saturday night.

And not just any invite - a laminate style invite, the kind hundreds of thousands would've killed to possess. And a really cool crew t-shirt which somehow managed to get signed. At first I didnt believe Mcgoo when he said I should come down to Sydney for my birthday - not that I didn't believe his invite (McGoo Fuckin Rocks!!!) - but because I didn't believe ACDC would be playing on Feb 20th - the 30th anniversary of Bon Scotts death (and my 31st B'day).

I will treasure that night for a long time to come - It almost out did my previous favorite birthdays, then the following night I got a text from someone I had been longing to hear from. I guess all in all it is definitely up there in the top 3 birthdays in my life.

(yes the txt was from the rockstar)

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