Monday, February 15, 2010

Pain and Agony or Lyrical Genius

Pain andAgony, Wrath and Rapture. All are evident in the Lyrics of my god. Kurt Cobain.

I can barely begin to explain the way his words have always spoken to me.

I can Barely begin to explain how Hot Dave Grohl is to my eyes. I held onto a crush for over half my lifetime, because... amongst other things, this guy looked like Dave Grohl. I only wish I had a photo to show you the crush guy!!

Anyway, was looking for Mr hottness that is Dave, and came across a post comparing the two former Bandmates. I couldn't help myself but to comment -> see below, but doubt what I wrote makes much sense as I head into the final straights of 48 hours without sleep!

I honestly can't decide which is more frustrating, Silence or Insomnia!

Anyway the Article -> From the Blog Entitled Facing Abuse -> the Post - Cobain and Grohl: Mythic Heroes. They are both my heroes in one way or the other. Kurt of my soul, Dave of my eyes and teeny bopper fan hormones.

As for my comments.... very badly written and not even thought out.... here they are:

You make some good points. I don’t know either of them, as I doubt many people who write about NIRVANA, Kurt, Dave etc do. But… there's always a but! I was there to witness it all, albeit at a distance.
We are formed by both nature and nurture. Our Genes and our lives experiences are what create our individual selves. They shared part of each others journey through life. I guess all I’m saying is that I agree, yet still feel an innate desire to defend Kurt.
Possibly even more so his lyrics. The man was a lyrical genius. Dave Grohl can out drum him, and I admit plays guitar ‘better’ than kurt. But when you are analysing Lyrics, especially those of Kurts, there is so much more written in between the lines. Often the empty spaces are packed full of meaning, where as at other times Lyrics that stand out as genius are merely words.
Kurt smells like teen spirit – a piece of insulting humor that was graffiti, but brought Generation X to our feet. A line such as “Who will be the King and Queen of all of the outcasted teens” speaks absolute volumes, yet was left in a notebook, not even getting the chance to fall victim to the cutting room floor. (it is a lyric from the originally penned smells like teen spirit – possibly the most hated piece of his brilliance)
Rape Me – I paid $3k to get a radio station to play it whilst fundraising for tsunami relief. Yes its Angry, Yes it’s in your Face, And YES its far too often misinterpreted, It actually speaks out against Rape and gives courage to its victims. It may well be the most brilliant of all his songs.
I love Dave Grohl, I absolutely do. And I understand the points you are making regarding his lyrics being much more upbeat and up tempo etc. But a Fairer comparison may have been between Heart Shaped Box by cobain and Marigold by Grohl, two different songs on the same single.
Not sure If I have a point as such….. But really hate the way that Rape me gets misinterpreted.!

And that's about that.

I am the ultimate Kurt Cobain Fan. I tattooed a K upon my chest, after many years of carving one there. I am lucky and honored (& crazy enough to love the fact) that I share his Birthday. I always knew Feb 20th was special. . . If I drew comparisons between our lives, I should've died at 27!!

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