Saturday, February 20, 2010

Another year passes

Another Day passes, Another year ends, Tomorrow is my birthday. Another year of life over, Another ready to begin.

My year of being 30 brought me much pleasure and even more pain. But because I lived through it I will never be the same.

I'm feeling all nostalgic, and a little sorry for myself. The last time I had a great birthday was in 1994 when I turned 15. It is hard for me to choose my favorite birthday, but 14 and 15 are pretty much neck and neck. They were just amazing!!

Every birthday since has been tinged with sadness, and often loaded up with pain. 16 was possibly the worst, but that was the last before my ex was to blame.

I always felt that Feb 20th was just a special date, it wasn't until my 14th that I felt like it was fate. Kurt Cobain shared my Birth Date, My Chinese Zodiac too. It was on my 14th that I got to celebrate this fact.

I was living in a teenage refuge, glad to have escaped my fathers roof and wrath. I didn't think It would be a very happy day. In the refuge we could only receive phone calls from family members, and was shocked when the worker came to get me to tell me my cousin was on the phone.

My cousin? My eldest cousin was about 9 at the time, and knew there was no way they would be calling me, and certainly not at the place I was staying. Somewhere between the loungeroom and the office where the phone was, the penny started to drop.

Could it possibly not be my cousin, but maybe Noddy's cousin - aka The Star. He had left town just prior to Christmas, taking my heart with him. I had two or three boyfriends in the mean time, and so many more since. But the Star was my first and truest love. He was my 14th Birthday present. And no other present has ever quite measured up - not even when I got engaged exactly ten years later.

15 was special for other reasons, for it was the one celebrated the best. Surrounded by so many friends, a surprise party which I managed to ruin the surprise of!!! It still meant the world to me that my beautiful foster mother organised it for me when I though I was going to be spending the weekend alone. I was showered with gifts, not at great expense, but presents that were great and true. Many were hand made and beautiful, I still have most of them and treasure them deeply.

The best one was when little Ben literally gave me the shirt off of his back. A long sleeved black T-shirt, Led Zepplin's Swan Song. The boy upon whom I had the hugest of crushes took of his shirt and showed my his incredibly hot skeletal frame, and spent the rest of the day being my eye candy!! I will never forget that day. In the 16 years that have passed that shirt simply gets thinner and thinner, but I will never ever get rid of it.

15 was the last time I got to share my birthday with Kurt Cobain. Every year since then his shadow has remained.

16 was harsh and cruel, then I met Mr.E and he ruined all the rest. Just wonder what he has in store for me to rain on my parade!

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