Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mystery Of The Clean House

I met my son's father when I was 16. We moved in together almost instantly. He was a messy pig who still took his washing home to his mum once a week. I was in love, I was blind, So I stupidly cleaned his room whilst he was at work.... As a way of showing him I loved him and that I wanted to look after him.

Big Mistake....

In the 15 odd years since then I can only clearly remember him cleaning three times. 1- when we moved out of the first place we shared he cleaned the shower to get his bond back. 2- he washed the dishes one day because he felt guilty for smoking a joint (he had/has a huge issue with pot) and 3- After we moved from Sydney he spent a morning scrubbing his BBQ. It was really filthy.

He has only ever cooked for me a few times, baked beans on toast when I was pregnant and couldnt eat, and the occasional bbq here and there.

Today after he got home from work (he's a truck driver and works sunday-thursday nights travelling to Sydney and back) Instead of heading to bed, he instead took our son to the supermarket to buy some food, returning home to cook breakfast - very odd.

I was asleep on the lounge - definately not a morning person. By the time I woke up not only had he cooked breakfast, but he had done 5 loads of washing, the dishes were clean, beds were made and he was vacuuming!

I now have a very clean house, clean clothes - my lounge room floor is no longer covered in my clothes, the dust on the book case is gone, and the rubbish and filth from his bedroom has made its way to the bun. Somehow the lawn also looks perfectly manicured. - I'm god damn shocked. I won't forget today in a hurry

He must want something. This is a guy who never lifts a finger, no matter how much I used to whinge. Curiosity is killing me. I want to know whats up. He's either done something really bad, or wants a humongous favor - I want to know - NOW.

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