Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Drugs . . . and learning Math

Theres a funny thing about Illegal drugs . .  Despite all of the incredibly negative effects they have on individuals and society as a whole, I saw this image on another website . . . And kind of came to the realisation that it sadly is true!!
I personally found the image posted @ It's Monopoly Money - And find an odd irony in the fact the image is titled 'Medicinal Marijuana' , I suppose the reason for the irony is that people buying weed in Australia get to learn the imperial system of ounces, quarter ounces and if you are into it enough pounds, despite the fact Australia is 100% Metrc.

I have unfortunately had the displeasure of knowing a high number of drug users in the past. Even with a low IQ  and often without a full high school education, the majority can do some pretty quick and odd calculations on the fly!

EG: 1ml Of Methadone Syrup contains 5mg of the drug, 1ml =$2.50  or $0.50c per mg. Throw either measure of 'mils' (both milliliters & milligrams are pronounced the same!!) at a person interested in buying or selling their Take Aay doses of Methadone and they will Immediately throw a figure back at you. Often before I could ever work out which kind of 'mils' either person was talking about!!

Buyer: "How many mils you got left"
me: thinking milligrams or milliliters?
Seller: "75"
Buyer: Doesn't get the chance to ask how much
Seller: " $37.50 thanks"
me: "thinking milligrams or milliliters?
Buyer: hands over $50
Seller: hand over said bottle o 'done' along with $12.50 change.
Both parties are long gone before I even work out what they were saying!!

Irony: It took me longer to work out the ratio's etc for this interaction than it took to type it!!

So if you are worried your being overcharged on your phone bill - find a drug addict to check it for you, apparently they are great @ math.

Sadly despite many varied methods I even FAIL epically when it comes to taking drugs - which I guess is EPIC WIN,

I just wonder if people discriminate against those who use medicinal marijuana in the same way they do against those who are prescribed the drug 'Physeptone' aka Methadone for long term intense pain. I guess I'll never know.

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