Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Good + Bad = Joy

When someone has a positive impact on my life I always remember them. Those who have had a negative impact upon my life I choose to forget.

When I am having fun and feeling great - I thank both groups. Odd huh??

Every Great moment we experience or achieve is a destination we have reached due to the sum of all past moments. The good, the bad and the inbetween.

In the great moments I like to thank those who have tried &/or suceeded in having some negative affect on my life.

For if it were not for every single event in our lives we would not be where we are now. A little bit of ying and yang.

There is also no greater revenge against those who have harmed us than to refuse to allow such harm to matter.

It's also a little about Karmic Balance. If one bad thing happens to you - three good things will at some point follow. To those who caused, or are the bad things - they shall be rewarded with three bad things Happening to them.

So to all those who have hurt and harmed me, those who have wished me i'll will - Thank you.

Today I am happy. If you hadn't had an impact on my life, I may not be as happy as I am.

Looking at the passing of a year, a decade. An opportunity to lay the past to rest and look to the future. A beautiful blank canvas - tabula rasa - awaiting for a masterpiece to be created.

So Fuck you all - I believe you are miserable - whilst I. . . I am filled with joy.

And being happy is the best revenge one can ever have.

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