Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 - Good Bad Ugly Beautiful

Most things that happened this year are a mixture of good bad ugly and amazing

The best & worst of 2009 featured; 
The never ending move - a month without a place to call home - the logistical nightmare of such & loosing track of half of my belongings -- bad  
New life, no more frenemies, living in a beautiful place & escaping the rat race - good

My baby starting high school - good

Turning 30 - scary

Finally getting off methadone : The withdrawals that were so much worse than trainspotting, the never ending muscle cramps and aching bones & having to attend my uncle & aunt's wedding in the first 24hrs of the 'hangging out' all sucked. Waking up to music I'd never heard before, yet instantly knowing it was Lennard Cohen ("give me a lennan cohen afterworld")  - & yeah its definately music to slit your wrists to. All Bad

Waking up and seeing that the grass really was greener, the sky bluer and everything no longer being an opioid haze. Not having to run my life around clinic dosing hours, dr appointments & giving scabbies junkies lifts because I can't say no - All Great.

Not being able to take anything stronger than panadol - not too bad
Accidently taking panadiene (cheers zona!!) thinking it was panadol - kinda bad

Finding out just how supportive, loving and caring my friends are - Not surprising - But still Amazing
But all in all the best thing I've done this century.

Sarah, Harrison and Zach - you are all amazing, welcome to the world

Crashing Bec's car - bad
The car having full comprehensive insurance - Great

Getting pulled over on King St Newtown and having all my luggage and belongings dumped on the footpath whilst police searched my car - Worst  moment  
Finding out they did it because I shared my skanky sister's last name - not surprising but still ugly
Said police not finding what was under the passenger's foot mat (DKY?) - Pretty fucking Lucky (only time I've ever had anything like that in my car & then getting searched - also only time ever = Just another day in my life)

Changing my name - Great, best money I ever spent!!!

Bec & Shan getting engaged - Excellent
Missing the engagement party because I had swine flu - Ugly

Finally facing my fears & going back to Armidale - Great
Seeing such great friends who have been friends thru all my ups & downs for over half my life - the Cherry on top
Returning because my amazing big sista lost her little brother - Really bad
Despite it all the funeral was so lovely, Kris singing - Amazing (love u 4 ever girl)
Loosing my wallett with all my new ID and cards in Armidale - Really bad

Hanging out with old friends online instead of working ( u know who u are! ) - fun, cool & great

Having to get my camera fixed - no good, but lots of bad and ugly

Getting into the course I wanted despite the high demand - good, hopefully it will be great!

Trip to the gong - good bad and ugly

Loosing my clutch as I hit the city @ peak hour - bad
Still managing to get to wollongong - good and bad
The cost to fix the car - ridiculous
Getting to drive the brand new Kluger to Sydney for green day - Super cool
Being on the fence for green day - Extra Cool
Taking Jordi to his first Concert (kelly clarkson doesn't count as a concert) - Super cool
Andy Getting a signed drumstick, Jordi the guitar pick - yet another cherry on top
Managing to find Gabe - unexpected - stupid fancy gps
How Smashed Gabe was - funny

Latitia actually speaking & speaking to me - beautiful
Doing something too embarassing to mention in front of latitia and Gabe - Fucking Funny
16yr old drunk - not cool, but great she learnt her lesson

Possibly the absolute best week of the year - actually definately!

Surviving christmas - ok
Christmas lunch with craig's folks - not so ok

Adding it up and realising that despite the downs (Also known as June July August & September) but there were more highs - Amazing.

2009 you were hard and challenging at times - but completely worth it. - and all the people that were a part of it - thank u all!

Hope you all had a good 2009 and that 2010 is so much better!

Now go Party and enjoy the blue moon  - it's a rare event, made even rarer by it bringing in a new year & new decade

Cheers to your hangovers!!

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