Friday, March 5, 2010

Love Buzz - a dream I once had, a memory I now have

Love Buzz has always been special to me. It symbolizes a dream I once had and now a new memory someone special created for me.

Love Buzz - NIRVANA's first single - a limited vinyl release of 1000 copies by sub pop records in 1988, the b-side was Big Cheese. It was the first single in Sub Pop's Single of the Month club. One day I intend to own a copy! (then my name can be on this list)   It later appeared on Bleach and the 'Blew' ep.

Bleach - NIRVANA's first album - back in the pre Dave Grohl days. It's muddy and more metallic. The lyrics more slurred and simplistic (most written a day or less in advance - & ever evolving when they played live), it cost $606.17 and took about 5 hours to record. To me Bleach is the definition and epitome of grunge.

I love this song, even if it's not an original song (it's a cover of shocking blue's 1969 single) - and the bass line ... OMG has always been what keeps my soul alive ... But this bass line just ... Inexplicable ... It does amazing things to my mind, body and soul ... My own personal audio nirvana!

It was the first song I ever wanted to learn. That low dirty tone of the bass line mixed with the plastic pop style lyrics. I wanted to start a band just to play that song - I didn't let the fact I couldn't play any instrument other than a flute rain on my parade!! lol. It never happened.

Instead I just held the dream within my head, hoping one day to see it played. Later the dream evolved. One day all facets of this dream like fantasy will hopefully come true ...

When Kurt Cobain died I don't think I had seen him actually moving - I had a million photos and had seen music video's, but had never seen him speak, move or perform live. So In late '94 when Live! Tonight! Sold Out!!. was released on video I had to have it. I remember exactly where I watched it and the people who were there. Love Buzz was the highlight.

Kurt Stage dives into the mosh and belts this biker lookin security type guy in the head with his guitar, biker dude hits back. Pounding Kurt. Cue Dave ... He comes bursting out from behind the drum kit to help pull Kurt from both the mosh and the biker dude. Dave is the perfect knight in shining armor. (side note: my knight in shining armor just happens to look like Dave Grohl!!) And of course the live versions are far better as Dave by far out drums Chad Channing - and everyone else who's ever hit the skins - with the exception of Jon Bonham of course!!!!

Recently I happened to divulge my secret Love Buzz dream/fantasy to the Rock Star whilst chatting via msn (with video and audio). After watching the live clip, he gets up grabs a bass from another room and starts tuning it.

I had to hold my hand over my mouth to cover my shock and awe. Guitars, especially bass guitars have an aphrodisiac effect upon me.

Right when I thought it could get no better he says to me - ' I think they use drop D tuning' - don't ask me what the fuck drop D tuning is (he did explain, but I can't re-explain it) I think my heart skipped a beat. He knew NIRVANA used drop D tuning... In hindsight - of course he knew this - he is the Rock Star derr! I first met him when he was in a band!

None the less as he proceeded to play the bass line, all 5 notes, over and over again... I thought my heart would stop or fall out, or even both. It was ... Fucking AWESOME!!I was in heaven.

Now if he teaches me those 5 notes... well I don't think I should publicly say what I'd do lol.

There's so many reasons that I will never forget the Rock Star - but him taking the time and the effort to play that for me... Let's just say I hope one day to be able to reciprocate the favor. It is one of the nicest, sweetest and thoughtful things anyone has ever done for me.

Love Buzz is the holy grail of the NIRVANA fan

I love NIRVANA and I LOVE Vinyl - thus I love 'In search of Love Buzz... NIRVANA collection' - a blog about collecting NIRVANA vinyl!!

And for more cool NIRVANA rarities and full discography check out Digital NIRVANA or Live NIRVANA for all the live goodies!!

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