Friday, January 8, 2010

Girlfriend & A gun

After G posted a rather random facebook status that said "A Girlfriend and A Gun" I immediately thought of this photo - one of my favourites in all of the world

This image is copyrighted & owned by Jasmine Hirst - She is both the photographer & th model

Making Art & Talking to Dead People - Jasmine's blog

The first time I saw this image I fell in love with it. A close friend of Jasmine's gave me a t-shirt for my 16th birthday that had this photo on it. Underneath it said "So Many Men, So Few Bullets". Over the years both me and my 'boyfriend' Craig wore the shirt so much that now, it sits almost threadbare sealed in a zip lock bag, along with my silent prayers that it will remain in one piece lol.

Years later I found this image for a 2nd time. It was on a postcard that was on display in a community health care setting. this time it was accompanied by the words "Shoot Clean" , part of a campaign for IV drug users to do exactly that.
It may have appeared many other places accompanied by other words, yet the words that immediately pop into my head are along the lines of - Amazing Woman - Inspirational - Beautiful.

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